Brokers de Fletes Marítimos, para Cualquier Tipo de Carga Contáctanos Te ofrecemos el mejor servicio para el transporte de carga marítima, garantizando profesionalismo y seguridad Booking Agencia Naviera Gestión Eficiente de Trámites Portuarios Contactanos Te ofrecemos el mejor servicio para el transporte de carga marítima, garantizando profesionalismo y seguridad Booking Agencia Aduanal Tu Socio Estratégico para Comercio Internacional Contactanos Servicios Personalizados de Importación y Exportación que Garantizan Eficiencia y Cumplimiento Normativo Booking

+58(212)3313023 / 3310124


La Guaira, Venezuela / Miami, USA

Nuestros Servicios

Agena Logistics Tu Socio Estratégico

Nuestros servicios se adaptan a sus necesidades particulares.

¿Por qué Elegirnos?

Entendemos que cada cliente tiene necesidades únicas. Por eso, ofrecemos soluciones personalizadas, desde la negociación de contratos de fletamento hasta la gestión de operaciones portuarias y el cumplimiento normativo en el agenciamiento aduanal.
Nuestros Logros

Los Números Hablan por si Solos



Contenedores Movilizados

Colaboramos para elevar los estándares en nuestra red global compartiendo prácticas líderes en la industria.



Paises Cubiertos

Como proveedor líder en gestión de la cadena de suministro regional, diseñamos e implementamos soluciones de vanguardia.




Toneladas Gestionadas al Año

Al priorizar la sostenibilidad, reducimos los desechos y le transmitimos esos ahorros a usted.


Clientes de Agena

Ellos dicen

"My shipment was picked up and delivered with excellent service! Needless to say I am extremely satisfied with the results. Will definitely use this service again."

Jose Navarro

“Dear Moovit, we would like to thank you for an amazing effort and support.Your professionalism has been super and we really appreciate your efforts so I hope we will work together more.”

Leo Benderson Linchin
CEO, GeoBoost LTD

“You made every effort to find an option to have the freight in Australia Monday morning 6/12 and followed through all days to keep us updated with the progress.”

Franchesca Barton
CEO, FT-Commerce LTD

“The fantastic team at Moovit freight have helped us out no end. I have saddled them with some impossible tasks and they have worked nice at anything we have thrown at them.”

Howard Fidelstain
CEO, LimPack LTD

"My shipment was picked up and delivered with excellent service! Needless to say I am extremely satisfied with the results. Will definitely use this service again."

Jose Navarro

“Dear Moovit, we would like to thank you for an amazing effort and support.Your professionalism has been super and we really appreciate your efforts so I hope we will work together more.”

Leo Benderson Linchin
CEO, GeoBoost LTD

“You made every effort to find an option to have the freight in Australia Monday morning 6/12 and followed through all days to keep us updated with the progress.”

Franchesca Barton
CEO, FT-Commerce LTD

“The fantastic team at Moovit freight have helped us out no end. I have saddled them with some impossible tasks and they have worked nice at anything we have thrown at them.”

Howard Fidelstain
CEO, LimPack LTD

"My shipment was picked up and delivered with excellent service! Needless to say I am extremely satisfied with the results. Will definitely use this service again."

Jose Navarro

“Dear Moovit, we would like to thank you for an amazing effort and support.Your professionalism has been super and we really appreciate your efforts so I hope we will work together more.”

Leo Benderson Linchin
CEO, GeoBoost LTD

“You made every effort to find an option to have the freight in Australia Monday morning 6/12 and followed through all days to keep us updated with the progress.”

Franchesca Barton
CEO, FT-Commerce LTD

“The fantastic team at Moovit freight have helped us out no end. I have saddled them with some impossible tasks and they have worked nice at anything we have thrown at them.”

Howard Fidelstain
CEO, LimPack LTD

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